Sunday, August 23, 2020

Fascinating stuff

Coming soon I guess:

But we have results from the Ezero culture, from Southeastern Bulgaria, which is from the early Bronze Age and which seems to connect the people of this culture with the future Hittites and Trojans. This has been confirmed by archeology many times and has been known for at least half a century. But now we see the genetic parallels between the two. Some of these ancient groups from the Bronze Age in one way or another have survived to this day in our country Bulgarians, as we also carry a certain amount of blood and genes from these same people, perhaps in the range of between 5 and 10%, which connects us with the Hittites, ancient Anatolia and the Trojans. There is a huge processing of the results before they are published, but among them there are huge curiosities from now on. One of them is from the necropolis in Merichleri from the Early Bronze Age and in another necropolis in Tsaribrod (the older of the two), these are mound necropolises from the Yamna culture in the Caucasus, of people who migrated here in Bulgaria and connected between you are. They came from the haplogroup R1a, namely Z93, which is the haplogroup again of the Scythian, but more of the Indo-Aryan tribes, the future Indo-Aryans, who later conquered India. But one of the tribes of the Yamna culture seems to have strayed and arrived in the Balkans instead of going to India. And so by chance, because archaeologists and geneticists have chosen between 260 burial mounds from this period, they have chosen only 3-4 and have come across exactly this extremely ancient group, which is from the time before the Indo-European group was divided into Iranians, Indians and Slavs, they were still one people at the time with the same genomes. And yes, one of these groups is among what we call Thracian tribes, but these are not Thracians. We have results from both the Early Iron Age and the Late Bronze Age, which are possibly Thracian, but I will keep them a secret at this stage, as I do not want to provoke speculation.

See also...

The precursor of the Trojans

Steppe invaders in the Bronze Age Balkans

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Yamnaya-related ancestry proportions in present-day Poles

Modeling ancient ancestry proportions in present-day Europeans with the qpAdm software is now a lot more difficult. The reasons for this are updates to qpAdm as well as the availabiity of more useuful outgroups or right pops.

This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because users are forced to work harder to find successful models, which is likely to lead to some interesting discoveries. But it can be very frustrating.

I don't think that settling for poor statistical fits or using a small number of outrgoups are acceptable short cuts. Perhaps sequencing modern-day samples in exactly the same way as the ancient samples, and thus increasing the compatability between them, might help?

Limiting qpAdm runs to higher quality SNPs from transversion sites does help, but perhaps largely because of the significant reduction in markers?

In any case, I've now given up on running such analyses, at least until I see some serious pointers on the topic from Harvard's qpAdm experts. But before I put this project to bed for the time being, I'd like to share some new results for Poles from eastern and western Poland, respectively.

right pops:


left pops:

CWC_Baltic_early 0.572±0.024
SWE_TRB 0.428±0.024
chisq 11.776
tail prob 0.300296
Full output

CWC_Baltic_early 0.587±0.021
SWE_TRB 0.413±0.021
chisq 11.165
tail prob 0.34478
Full output

Even using transversion sites, this is one of the very few combinations of ancient reference samples that works for the Poles with these right pops. That is, the combination of early Corded Ware samples from the East Baltic (CWC_Baltic_early) and Funnel Beaker samples from Scandinavia (SWE_TRB). The former are obviously the proxy here for Yamnaya-related ancestry.

Adding any sort of hunter-gatherer population to this model doesn't help or even makes things worse (for instance, see here and here). It is possible to add Baltic hunter-gatherers to a similar model after dropping CWC_Baltic_early in favor of closely related samples from the Early to Middle Bronze Age Pontic-Caspian steppe. Note, however, that the statistical fits are somewhat poorer.

Baltic_LTU_Narva 0.032±0.014
PC_steppe_EMBA 0.483±0.019
SWE_TRB 0.485±0.019
chisq 17.143
tail prob 0.0465198
Full output

Baltic_LTU_Narva 0.031±0.011
PC_steppe_EMBA 0.491±0.015
SWE_TRB 0.477±0.016
chisq 22.444
tail prob 0.00757421
Full output

Interestingly, but not surprisingly, the ancestry of many present-day Northwestern European populations can be modeled in basically the same way. That's because ancient ancestry proportions are more closely correlated with latitude than longitude across much of the European continent.

CWC_Baltic_early 0.527±0.024
SWE_TRB 0.473±0.024
chisq 13.042
tail prob 0.221357
Full output

CWC_Baltic_early 0.586±0.023
SWE_TRB 0.414±0.023
chisq 16.517
tail prob 0.085751
Full output

CWC_Baltic_early 0.583±0.021
SWE_TRB 0.417±0.021
chisq 12.144
tail prob 0.275536
Full output

A zip file with the qpAdm output from this analysis and a list of the most relevant ancients is available here. I might try to run a few more populations over the next few days, but probably only from the northern half of Europe, so please check the zip file in a week or so to see what else is in there.

If anyone wants to challenge my results, note that these and very similar samples are freely available to the public via Harvard University here and here.

Update 22/08/2020: From Nick Patterson (Broad) in the comments:
My general advice for qpAdm is 1) Work on the right hand set. Don't include irrelevant population (except for one population as an outgroup); picking the best RHS can dramatically reduce s. errors on the admixture weights. 2) If qpAdm gives a very low p-value try and understand why, sometimes it is telling you that the target is not a mixture of the sources but sometimes the assumptions are violated, for example recent gene-flow from left pops -> right.

See also...

Ancient ancestry proportions in present-day Europeans

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Housekeeping stuff

I'm about to phase out the use of the Global25 datasheets with modern-day samples. In large part, this move is due to the uncertainty about the populations that these individuals represent and the resulting (often idiotic) discussions here and elsewhere about their usefulness.

This uncertainly exists because many, perhaps most, of these people are classified based on their self identity, which may or may not reflect their genetic origins.

Thus, I'll no longer be updating these datasheets and, from next week, I'll also stop linking to them at this blog (like here). The links will remain live for the next few months, so that users can adjust to the change.

However, modern-day samples sequenced from archeological remains, and thus, as a rule, painstakingly classified by experts based on their burial contexts and genetic characteristics, will continue to be featured in the Global25 datasheets.

In other words, as far as the Global25 is concerned, all of the modern-day samples from the living are out, but all of the modern-day samples from the dead will remain, and indeed I'll be adding more of the latter as they become available.

I'm planning to eventually create several sets of Global25 datasheets based on individuals and populations from different periods, including the modern era. But I'll probably need some help with that.

Also, please note that comment moderation will now be the rule here rather than the exception. And I'll be cracking down hard on trolling, insults and any sort of potentially defamatory material, so no more crazy stuff, or else.

See also...

New rules for comments

Friday, August 14, 2020

Awesome new toys from Vahaduo

Vahaduo now offers a 3D PCA experience. Check it out HERE and HERE. Below are a couple of screen caps of me messing around with the new tools.

Vahaduo says:

Hi everyone!

New tool - PCA 3D Viewer.

Global 25 version:

West Eurasia version:


Dots - ancients, circles - moderns.

Click X, Y, Z or COLOR tab and then click one of the PCx buttons to switch dimensions.

Click already active X, Y, Z or COLOR tab to temporarily reverse selected dimension. It will be restored to a default state when any of the dimensions will be switched to another one.

ADD CUSTOM POINTS - self-explanatory. Points will be added as "+". IMPORTANT - G25 version takes NON-SCALED coordinates. This will be true for any new tool dedicated to G25 and coordinates will be scaled automatically when needed or desired.

"Type parts of names." + TAG button - type parts of names to tag certain samples (try for example "KK1 Afon Pinar"). Search is Case Sensitive. Points will be redrawn as "x".

Next row - Labels and Annotations. Click the right button to cycle trough:


CLICK - click to add/delete labels/annotations.
AUTO - same as CLICK plus labels/annotations will be automatically added to newly plotted or tagged samples. Unfortunately adding new labels and annotations becomes very slow when there is too much of them, so there is a limit for the AUTO setting - 250 labels or 20 annotations at once.

Annotations are editable. They can be dragged to another place and text can be changed. Text can be also wrapped into an HTML SPAN element and some styles can be used, like "font-size" or "color". BR element (new line) works too.

HIGHLIGHT CLICK/OFF/HOVER - highlight all samples that belong to a single population. Set to HOVER to ignore clicks. Set to OFF to disable this feature and to remove highlight triggered by hover (highlights triggered by clicks will stay until they will be cleared or removed by a click). Click white dot to cycle trough available highlight colors.

Plotly buttons:

Default download is set to 1600x1200px PNG.

Custom Plotly buttons:
"Toggle projection: orthographic / perspective" - self-explanatory.
"Toggle background color" - cycles trough dark grey, black, white and light grey. Text color and white highlight will be switched to black when background will be set to white or light grey.
"Toggle color scheme" - cycles trough several gradients.
"Reverse color scheme" - reverses all gradients permanently.
"Download plot as png (custom size)" - default size is the size of the currently displayed plot.

See also...

New Global25 interpretation tools

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Villabruna people existed in Europe at least 17,000 years ago (Bortolini et al. 2020 preprint)

Over at bioRxiv at this LINK. So, like I said here a few years back, there was no migration into Europe from the Near East ~14,00 years ago. I don't think there was even such a migration ~17,000 years ago. My view is that the so called Villabruna cluster formed somewhere in Europe at least 20,000 years ago. Below is the Bortolini et al. abstract, emphasis is mine:

The end of the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in Europe (~16.5 ka ago) set in motion major changes in human culture and population structure. In Southern Europe, Early Epigravettian material culture was replaced by Late Epigravettian art and technology about 18-17 ka ago at the beginning of southern Alpine deglaciation, although available genetic evidence from individuals who lived ~14 ka ago opened up questions on the impact of migrations on this cultural transition only after that date. Here we generate new genomic data from a human mandible uncovered at the Late Epigravettian site of Riparo Tagliente (Veneto, Italy), that we directly dated to 16,980-16,510 cal BP (2σ). This individual, affected by a low-prevalence dental pathology named focal osseous dysplasia, attests that the very emergence of Late Epigravettian material culture in Italy was already associated with migration and genetic replacement of the Gravettian-related ancestry. In doing so, we push back by at least 3,000 years the date of the diffusion in Southern Europe of a genetic component linked to Balkan/Anatolian refugia, previously believed to have spread during the later Bolling/Allerod warming event (~14 ka ago). Our results suggest that demic diffusion from a genetically diverse population may have substantially contributed to cultural changes in LGM and post-LGM Southern Europe, independently from abrupt shifts to warmer and more favourable conditions.

Bortolini et al., Early Alpine human occupation backdates westward human migration in Late Glacial Europe, bioRxiv, posted August 10, 2020, doi:

See also...

Villabruna cluster =/= Near Eastern migrants

Friday, August 7, 2020

New Global25 interpretation tools

They're available at Ancestry Calculator and GENOPLOT. Unfortunately, I can't tell you exactly how to get the most out of them. All I can recommend is robust experimentation.

See also...

Getting the most out of the Global25

Genetic ancestry online store

Modeling your ancestry has never been easier