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Wednesday, February 5, 2025

G25 available again

To get your Global25 coords, please use the app HERE. The whole process usually takes a couple of days. Feel free to spread the word.

Note that the conversion of VCF, BAM, CRAM and/or fastq files is 30 to 50€ extra depending on the case. For enquiries please email teepean47 on


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Davidski said...

Trump and Vance aren't just dumbass Americans, they're Putin fan girls.

Mr Funk said...

disgusting comments under the posts, and this whole fake Trump channel is filled with American fascists who are no different from the Russians

Mr Funk said...
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Mr Funk said...
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ambron said...

As is clear from several presentations, Gretzinger places the Slavic homeland in the middle Dnieper, in line with the tradition of German historical science. However, he does not confirm this with any sample from this area. He creatively uses the statistical program MOBEST, biasedly selecting samples to suit a preconceived thesis. However, it is enough to add genetically Slavic/Baltic samples Denmark IA and Bornholm IA, and MOBEST indicates the Slavic homeland in Poland. This would be logical, since Denmark IA shares segments IBD with Poland MA in McColl. Gretzinger also insists on a 90% exchange of the Polish population, while the geostatistical method "spatiotemporal kriging" used by McColl shows that there was no exchange of populations in Poland.

Gaska said...

@Corded Slav

Besides Hungary, which Eastern European countries belonging to the European Union hate Zelensky?

Do you think any of these countries want to return to the Warsaw Pact?

Spaniards will always prefer Ukraine to Russia, Putin is a pathological coward. Since the end of World War II, the Russians and Americans have been competing to see who loses the most wars. Korea, Vietnam, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Ukraine, they will never tire of making fools of themselves and will continue to think they are great empires, Ha ha ha ha ha aha.

Rob said...

@ Anon_BGP
Why do you think MDC was proto-Slavic ?

Mr Funk said...

in any case, Davidski, don't be upset, this is just a game for the camera, because they could have discussed it behind closed doors
it was a clear provocation from the American side to show Zelensky as a victim.
Zelensky and Trump are both former actors who starred in dozens of films, and Trump also loves wrestling and participated in it himself, so everything is fine, we continue to live

Mr Funk said...

the same as artificial conflicts in the UFC, when one fighter is more impudent and provokes his opponent to emotions, so that the public becomes interested in their confrontation. At the same time, they both play and are serious at the same time.

Davidski said...


I haven't upated the G25 datasheets for a long time. The most up to date ancient G25 coords are probably here.

Sam Elliott said...

Is there any info out there as to when “The Genetic history of the ancient population of the Russian Plain” study will be published? They’ve had a link over at ENA since May of 2024, but no public data yet. Looks like a very interesting project.

CordedSlav said...

@ Gaska
''Besides Hungary, which Eastern European countries belonging to the European Union hate Zelensky?
Do you think any of these countries want to return to the Warsaw Pact?
Spaniards will always prefer Ukraine to Russia, Putin is a pathological coward. Since the end of World War II, the Russians and Americans have been competing to see who loses the most wars. Korea, Vietnam, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Ukraine, they will never tire of making fools of themselves and will continue to think they are great empires, Ha ha ha ha ha aha.''

Do you, Basque, speak for *all* Iberians ? Like another person before, you cannot even be honest about your own haplogroup, but stand up to preach about the complexities of world politics ? You are of course free to 'prefer' any nation you wish, although in your case it is a simple function of distance from the Atlantic :) Ukrainians are closer to us as well, but Zelensky is not one of us. Austrians, Romanians, Slovaks, Hungarians (apart from online NAFO types) are very cautious as to their position but the EU neuters dissent. We have not succumbed to the embarassing hysteria that western Europe has, for if you think Z. is your saviour, then you are truly doomed. The Globos have really done a number on you. Im surprised as to how callous the Scandinavians have become, i had initially thought them intelligent and tempered. The brother Poles have their own, very strategic reasons for their 'support' of Ukraine

Davidski said...

Only Russian assets and social outcasts in Central, Eastern and Northern Europe shill for Russia and don't support Ukraine.

This is a minority of people, but sometimes they manage to cause political problems by attracting gullible idiots via social media and tiktok to covertly pro-Russian nationalistic/fascist parties.

That's what happened in Romania recently, but Romania acted swiftly and arrested all of the ringleaders.

This Romanian model must be enforced all over Europe whenever Russian assets endanger our democracies.

CordedSlav said...

@ Davidski
It's concerning how far-gone you are, parrotting the nonsene like a cheap EU beaurocrat.
Călin Georgescu is a Romanian nationalist and Christian. He won the population vote but the EU unconstitutionally and illegally annuled the results and arrested him. Out of panick, because Romania is obviously vital for NATO air bases. This would have spiralled out into Bulgaria, where the people recently ramsacked the Germany / EU office an elected a pro-Russian patriarch.
You see, Mr Davidski, it is your masters in the EU who are the fascists. These people are evil, have nothing to lose because the only family they have are their lapp-doggs and bribe deposits they receive, using Ukrainians as their meat-grinder for their failed projects. I am glad they lost. Now they will get their justice, one way or another.
At least your nemesis Carlos Quilles admitted he was wrong, an honest quality you seem to lack.

Davidski said...

Oh, I'm not wrong.

Georgescu is a Russian asset. That is a fact.

No one in Eastern/Central Europe who isn't paid by Russia (or totally crazy) wants Russian assets anywhere near the government. That's also a fact.

Now here's a prediction: Europe will rise to the challenge and it'll help Ukraine beat Russia.

You can take that to the bank for some rubles. Buy yourself something nice.

Car said...

@ CordedSlav

"They celebrated infront of their burning citizens in Odessa, posing in front for pictures, and shelled the Donbass pretty much every morning just for psychological torture. Now they play the victim and call for nuclear war"

Each side has made the wrong steps. But... What does Russia have to do with Odessa and Donbas?
There were violent clashes in Odessa between two warring political groups. Among the total number of 48 fatalities, six people died during the street clashes from both sides, and unfortunately, it ignited hatred. So, maybe some celebrated.
What was before Odessa (May 2, 2014)?
On 18 March 2014, in a so-called "2014 Simferopol incident", a Ukrainian soldier and a Russian Cossack paramilitary were killed in the first case of bloodshed during the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation. Russian press started to distribute fake that UA soldier was killed by a "Maidanian" sniper. Ukrainian witnesses disprove this version: attackers broke into Ukrainian military establishment, opened chaotic fire with automatic weapons, and fired at the observation tower. Death report says "... was killed by two 5.45 mm bullets fired from the bottom up".
On 12 April 2014, Girkin/Strelkov led a fifty-strong unit of heavily-armed pro-Russian militants who captured the strategic town of Sloviansk.
On 17 April 2014 was abducted Horlivka local politician. Later his body with signs of torture was found in the Torets River, along with other two bodies.
But it's Russia shelled Ukraine every day by many kinds of missles, exploding drones, artillery, the air alarm sounds several times a day, very often at night. There are a lot of video confirmations.

Anon_BGP said...

It's perfect source for BSD plus it's related to Fatyanovo and this German @VVeltkrieger talked about MD = PBS on X

Car said...

Millions? And you of course have proofs for that? Or it's just big imagination? And of course, the Russians have nothing to do with it, they don't kill Ukrainians.

Copper Axe said...


Seen this pre-print? Alligns well with the opinions you, myself and several other commenters had on Patterson's study and how their timing of the "Celtic migration".

Gaska said...

@ Corded

There are Basques in Spain and in France, I am first Spanish and then Basque, is that clear to you?

Only Orban supports Putin in Europe, the rest of the countries of the former Soviet orbit like the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Croatia, the Baltic countries etc. do not want to hear about the Russians for obvious reasons. If Romania and Bulgaria think they were better off before their entry into the EU, they can leave whenever they want, although after the Brexit fiasco I don't think anyone would dare to do so.

Zelensky is not our savior, Western Europe is committed to help Ukraine because he defends the independence of his country and democracy. Putin thinks he is Catherine the Great and has not yet understood that in a conventional war his army is a joke. The time has come to rearm Europe and to send troops to Ukraine.

Mr Funk said...

Let's discuss instead whether the people of the steppe Eneolithic were shepherds and cattle breeders? And are they the ancestors of the shepherds and cattle breeders in Ukraine Sredniy Stog and in Khvalynsk?

ph2ter said...

Europe cannot afford such a fall as America experienced where Russia won the special war. Russia actually conquered America from the inside. Those who don't see it are stupid, and those who don't want to admit it are Russian agents. Russia is on its way to destroy NATO and completely dominate America. Musk already wants to pull America out of NATO and the UN. Hegseth halted cyber operations against Russia. Even a civil war in America is not ruled out. European democracies should be smart and not allow Russia to conquer them one by one, as it has already conquered Hungary and Slovakia.
Something like a European NATO without America needs to be established urgently.

Gaisgeach said...

@Davidski Thank you for the reply.

Only about a week after I asked that question a scientific article about Celtic turned up

@Davidski Can you tell me what you think about this language tree?

In what culture descended from Trzciniec do you think the Slavic linguistic node had completely separated from Baltic?

Mr Funk said...

Okay, who am I kidding) I can't live without politics now. I just came across a video on YouTube. The police detained a neo-Nazi from the so-called "Russian community" (there are plenty of similar organizations in Russia under different brands, but they are controlled by the FSB), they detained him not because he is a neo-Nazi, but because he has a large warehouse of weapons and ammunition at home. Well, everything would be fine, there is one small detail, a MAGA cap is hanging on the wall (Trump's cap - let's make Amelia great again), for some reason many people in the comments missed it.

Romulus the I2a L233+ Proto Balto-Slav, layer of Corded Ware Women said...

Tracing the Spread of Celtic Languages using Ancient Genomics

Haven't read this yet but I think this one might deserve it's own thread. Will be good to compare Davidski's conclusions from the Patterson paper to what they claim here.

Romulus the I2a L233+ Proto Balto-Slav, layer of Corded Ware Women said...

I finished reading this paper and there are many great conclusions made. One neat thing I wanted to point out.

"In contrast, the northward expansion from Central Europe into northern Germany and southern Scandinavia appears to have culminated in a significant defeat, as suggested by the Tollense battle around 3200 BP62 and evident also from the lack of Knovíz related ancestry in Scandinavia prior to the Migration Period. "

They assert that the Tollense Battlefield represents an attempt at a Northward expansion by the Celtic speaking culture which was repelled by proto-Germanics. This was very interesting but they did not include the samples from the Tollense valley in their analysis to determine if they could categorize the dead by Celtic (Having the Anatolian BA ancestry) versus not. I can't remember if I have ever seen an analysis of the Tollense dead identifying any as potentially Scandinavian. I think it is also possible it was between the Celtic speakers and maybe proto-Balts? I am sure there were at least a few Balto-Slavic like individuals there.

Davidski said...


From now on all comments with any sort of Russian propaganda will be blocked.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Gio said...


From now on all comments with any sort of Russian propaganda will be blocked.
Thanks for your cooperation".

I of course have nohing against you and follow with interest your studies upon the autosome, but what you call "Russian propaganda" will be demonstrated in the future, as always, if it is "propaganda" or something else. We'll see how will end the war in Ukraine and also the Great Israel, the same faith, and if the afro-islamic hell is a true mortal danger for us. Don't forget that I hypothesized Villabruna many Years before it was found.

Mr Funk said...

Is anti-Russian propaganda allowed? I can organize

Radiosource said...

"Even a civil war in America is not ruled out."

What do you mean?

Rob said...

@ ph2ter, Davidski

I warned you guys what would happen, and I think both of your parochial biases clouded your judgement. Putting Putin & Russia to one side, the efforts of the Biden admin in sparking conflict and 'finishing off'' Russia played a key role (to complete the US Cold War philosophy and the round of Arab Spring). The EU (initially reluctantly) agreed to go along with the Biden's plan.
But the project didn't go to plan, not profitable, change of USA admin, project ditched. You guys going on about Trump and the toppling of USA sounds like you understand nothing about the world. It's simply business and the cogs of the State will carry on.
But the issue now is that the EU leadership is embarrassed and have anrgy home populations, becuase they have been part of the swindling. As Orban said, instead of sobering up, theyre doubling up on the Kool Aid. But it's just empty platitutdes, hand holding and the promising of armies which don;t exist. Apart from meaningless words from internet sissies, Europeans arent going to fight for them.

Davidski said...


You're confused.

Europeans by and large are more united than ever right now. Against Russia.

This is going to be a turning point for Europe in a very good way, and, of course, a disaster for America.

Davidski said...

Awesome clip.

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